Anatomy of a Hard Drive

Anatomy of a Hard Drive

Why did my Hard Drive Fail?

Why did my Hard Drive Fail?

A-Z of Data Recovery

A-Z of Data Recovery

Send Us a Drive

Send Us Your Drive

Data Recovery Guides

Data Recovery Guide

Data Recovery Guide Volumn 2

About Drive Rescue - Passionate about retrieving data

Drive Rescue was established in 2007 in Dublin, Ireland, by veterans of the IT sector who saw a genuine need for a high-quality and affordable data recovery service in Ireland.

We specialise in advanced data recovery from NAS / RAID servers, S-ATA, SAS, solid state drives, USB flash drives and memory cards. Our data recovery technicians have in-depth experience of recovering data from most major brands of electro-mechanical hard disk including Western Digital, Seagate, Samsung, Toshiba and HGST (Hitachi) and solid-state brands including Samsung, Toshiba, OCZ and Sandisk. In terms of logical recovery, some of the file systems we work with include NTFS (Windows), XFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 and HFS (Apple).

We have a full Class-100 clean room and use forensic-level data recovery equipment as used by police forces, state security agencies and some of the world’s most advanced data recovery laboratories.

Equipment will only get you so far...

But having the latest and best equipment does not always equate with higher recovery rates. In the same way that a kitchen equiped with that latest knives, cookers and mixers does not make a Michelin-starred chef, recovery rates are often determined by other factors.

Our learning never stops

Any data recovery company is only as good as their last job. Drive technologies are continually changing. Barely a month passes where some incremental change in disk architecture, solid-state or RAID technology does not take place. Our technicians are passionate about what they do. They are passionate about about the latest storage technologies and are relentless in perfecting their recovery techniques, but passion is often not enough.


Some advanced data recovery cases can be tedious, time consuming and require technicians with extremely high patience thresholds. Some of the larger data recovery companies are notorious for baulking at these cases and categorising them as “unrecoverable”. For us, data recovery is not about factory-style potato grading.

A disk is not just a disk

It would be easy to see a failed storage device as just a chunk of metal with embedded microchips, but it is more than that. Such a device might contain someone’s whole business which they have spent years toiling over. It might contain a thesis that took 2 years to complete. It might hold years of irreplacable photos of a loved one. Such a device merits extreme care. Whatever recovery strategy we decide to use must maximise the probability of a successful outcome because results matter to us and somtimes you only get one chance.

Results matter

Let’s be frank about this. A team’s knowledge, passion or insight accounts for little if there are no results. All of our technicians have been hired for their proven track record in advanced data recovery. Successful data recovery relies on making an accurate diagnosis and choosing the correct methodologies to ensure a complete recovery. However, there will always be outlier cases where tried-and-tested methodologies don’t work. This is where experience, insight and innovative thinking come to the fore. This is where our technicians excel. We often recover data from drives that have been deemed “unrecoverable” by other data recovery companies.

Candor, Directness and Transparency

Probably the biggest complaint people have about data recovery companies is their coyness about recovery cost and lack of information on case progression. Drive Rescue is the only data recovery company in Ireland which actually publishes its prices. Of course, every case is going to be different, but we believe it is only fair that the customer gets a reasonable idea of pricing upfront without any surprises along the way. During recovery we will give you progress updates as often as you need them. Our phones are always answered by real people not machines. At the end of the data recovery process, you can remotely login to our secure systems to view your recovered files - before any payment is made.

Reaching good results in a cost-efficient way

Some of our competitors spend thousands of Euros every year paying to artificially boost their website rankings in search engines. Wasting resources in areas where our clients receive no added-value is a mortal sin at Drive Rescue. We would rather invest our resources on in-house research, ongoing training and acquiring the most up-to-date, sophisticated and powerful recovery equipment that is available. This way, we maximise the probability of a successful recovery for you and completed at a reasonable cost.

Don’t take our word for it

It is easy for any company to sing their own praises. With Drive Rescue, you will be joining a long list of satisfied customers from individual users, computer repair shops, IT support companies to public sector and multinational organisations. We are proud of the fact that most of our business comes from repeat trade customers or from word-of-mouth recommendations. You can see some of their testimonials here.

You can see some of their testimonials here

When your experience needs ours

Data loss can be a stressful situation for anybody. We endeavour to make the data recovery process as quick and painless as possible. So, if the day ever arrives where your data loss experience needs ours - we’re here to help.